Contemporary physics considers the universe, along with everything on
Earth, to be made of eternal pulsating waves of something, which nobody
knows what is, but it is believed that it must be something electric. Along
with the development of this hypothesis, the fi eld theory was also developed,
which encompasses the relativity theory and the quantum theory. In his book
„Evolution of Physics“, Einstein wrote: „For a physicist, this fi eld is quite as real
as the chair he is sitting on.“
In one of the oldest writings that has been preserved, „Emerald Tablet of
Hermes“, there is an axiom: What is up is identical to what is down, and what is
down is identical to what is up... it is a great power among powers, which permeates
each subtle thing and penetrates each solid matter. Th is axiom was confi rmed by
Nikola Tesla who said: Th ere is no dead matter, because everything in the endless
universe is vibrating, moving and living. Th e time since mankind has inhabited
our planet Earth has not been measured to any degree of certainty, and we do
not know the age of old buildings, like the pyramids. According to archeological
research, it was confi rmed that the feet of man and dinosaurs have walked the
same temporal layer. Traces between 250 and 300 million years old were found
in Utah in 1968, and along the Mississippi in the state of Kentucky in 1969.
To make it even weirder: the dinosaur’s contemporary wasn’t even barefooted;
instead, he wore sandals.
Th e decay of civilizations at intervals in the past is known and scientifi cally
confi rmed, but the reasons are not. Th ere are many writings and traces of a great
fl ood that seized our planet, and some explanations can be found in diff erent
- When this came upon the earth, I watched earth as it was swallowed by a
great void, mountains heaving themselves upon mountains, hills descending into
hills, and tall trees uprooted, thrown down and sinking into the void...
(Book of Enoch)
- Th e land in the ocean is destroyed, its citizens dead...
(Inscriptions fr om the Xochicalco pyramid in Mexico City)
- Th e Egyptians are descendants of a son of Toth, an Egyptian priest from
(Atlantis... (Inscriptions on the Lion’s Gate in Mycenae)
A superfi cial look at the world map shows us that the outlines of the
continents’ shorelines are similar. Th is was noticed by the English philosopher
Francis Bacon in 1620, but it was considered incidental for many years thereaft er.
Nobody could as much as imagine that anything could move these immense
heaps of rocks.
German meteorologist Alfred Wegener published a map of the Earth’s
surface in 1915, according to which all the continents were a single land mass in
the ancient past, which he called Pangaea.
In the course of creating his theory, Wegener relied on physical geology
research, as well as concepts from geodetics, geophysics, paleontology, zoology
and paleoclimatology.
He raised logical questions: why are the world’s mountain ranges chained
– the Himalayas, the Rocky Mountains, and the Apennines – while the rest of
land is fl at. How is it possible that we fi nd fossils of marine animals in the highest
mountains? How could tropical plants grow in Europe, or even in Greenland in
ancient times? Where do the fossil palms on islands close to the North Pole come
from, or coal in the Antarctic?
For the time being, science maintains that continental masses are moving
and that the land we live on is moving. Wegener’s theory was eventually accepted,
and a crater on the visible side of the Moon was named aft er him. Today we know
that the lithosphere is divided into plates which are fl oating on semi-melted
subterranean sea of lava, transferring warmth onto the surface of the Earth.
At the beginning of the 19th century, dinosaur bones were found in England,
and paleontologists agree on the fact that dinosaurs have suddenly died out some
65 million years ago.
Fossil fi ndings from all around the world have unambiguously led to the
conclusion that such mass extinctions happened many times during Earth’s
ancient history.
During the analysis of fossil remains of many animal species, paleontologists
David Raup and John Sepkoski from the Chicago University have concluded that
cataclysms on Earth happened cyclically, in nearly identical time intervals.
A group of scientists from the University of California, led by Luis Alvarez, a
winner of the Nobel Prize for physics, detected an amount of iridium which was
160 times higher than usual in a geological layer created during the Cretaceous
period. Th is hints at a meteor strike, since meteors are very rich in this rare
element. Th is opens a possibility that an oblique layer of fi ne dust was created
in the Earth’s atmosphere and stratosphere, which prevented the rays of the Sun
from reaching the surface of the Earth and, thus, plants withered, temperatures
decreased, and the results were hunger and freezing.
A team led by Erle Kauff man, a Colorado University professor, discovered
another four biological cataclysms during the Cretaceous period.
Other scientists from around the world have joined the research at that point,
along with the Chicago team. Raup and Sepkoski, impressed by the work of
Princeton scientists Alfred Fisher and Michael Arthur, compiled a list containing
each genus of marine animals that ever existed, including the date of their initial
appearance, as well as the date of their disappearance.
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